Wednesday, March 29, 2017

"Come on, laugh girl. It's very funny."

Of all the special days so many of  you mortals celebrate, April Fools' Day has to be in my top dozen. I just can't get enough of pranks, especially ones that get out of hand. 

For example, maybe you think it would be funny to tell your sister you shot your husband. Hilarious!

Humor is subjective, I suppose. 

In honor of the upcoming occasion, this week's Thursday Thriller is Bloody April Fools.

This 2013 Spanish slasher flick was directed by 12 different people, and I won't bore you with listing them. The movie's real title is Los Inocentes, because the Spanish don't celebrate April Fools' Day. They have something called Happy Fools' Day on Dec. 28.

The movie opens up in a youth hostel where a skinny nerdy kid getting locked in a boiler room as a Happy Fools' Day prank. The girls decide to take hot showers and the nerd burns to death. 

Fifteen years later, a bunch of kids get lost on their way to their ski weekend and decide to stay and party overnight in the abandoned hostel instead. An unseen killer starts picking them off one-by-one in a series of  gory, prank-based murders.

Plot-wise, there's not a lot more to tell, but there is one sequence in which a girl named Sandra (Diana Gomez) watches her lover Jorde (Aleix Mele) get stabbed through the eye while he's looking through a glory hole for whoever stole her bra. Sandra, still naked in her state of coitus interruptus via occidendum, runs for her life, slips on a bar of soap and bashes her skull open on the bathroom floor. When the group's own yukster Chino (Enric Auquer) finds her, he discovers she's not quite dead. Sandra goes to scratch her head, and finds a spot on her exposed brain that feels good to rub, so she starts jilling off that way until she flicks a synaptic bean the wrong way, vomits blood on Chino's face, and expires. 

As I said, it's a slasher flick, and tropes abound, but there's something different about this one. Maybe it's the fluid, quick-cut editing or the handheld camera work. It could be a matter of character development as you watch the shy Alex (Mario Marzo) stumble through his awkward attempts to woo Eva (Charlotte Vega). 

Whatever it is, I like it. Bloody April Fools streams on Netflix.

Are you still reading this? Maybe you need more to read. Todd Merriman's latest e-book Our Lord of Nefarious Intentions is available on Kindle and Nook and only costs a dollar.

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