Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"Turkeyologists all over the world know it as... Thankskilling!"

 Are you really looking at a horror movie blog on Thanksgiving? What gives? Don't you have better things to do? Shouldn't you be cooking or eating or washing dishes? Isn't there some cousin or uncle you hardly ever see and have nothing in common with you're supposed to be smiling and nodding politely at? Isn't it time for a carb-induced coma? The stores are gonna be open in a couple hours.  Have you clipped all your coupons and charged your stun gun?

Seriously, it's Thanksgiving.  Why are you reading this? What do you want from me? Aren't you thankful for all the other movies I've told you about?  For the art and culture I've brought into your life? The Red Guy deserves a holiday, too, you know. Do you have any idea how busy I'm going to be tomorrow on the busiest, most violent shopping day of the year?

Fine. This week's Thursday Thriller is called Thankskilling. It's the kind of movie that promises boobs in the first second on the poster, so maybe you should wait until Grandma leaves.  Then again, if Grandma won't leave, maybe you can throw on this 2009 horror/comedy to motivate her old ass out the door.

This is a rare case in which I will just let the IMDB plot summary explain what goes on: "A homicidal turkey axes off college kids during Thanksgiving break."

The turkey puppet has a potty mouth. One might even say there's a lot of fowl language in this film by writer/director Jordan Downey. 

If you think that joke was bad,  wait til you watch the movie.  The gags range from intolerable to OK. The funniest part is where the turkey, disguised as a person, sits down for coffee and awkward conversation with the sheriff, disguised as a turkey. 

I'm not saying Thankskilling is totally worthless. The turkey puppet looks cool, and there's a piece of the score that sounds John Carpenter-ish. So click open Hulu Plus and watch it. It'll serve you right for bothering me today.

The best part of the movie.

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