Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"You ain't got enough to satisfy me, you impotent son of a bitch!"

When the major streaming services can't deliver the movie you're looking for, there's always YouTube. Chances are, if you're willing to pay a couple bucks, you can pretty much watch anything you like, but who wants to spend money? If you're a cheapskate movie lover, searching for free movies can be a dicey proposition. Often you'll find yourself watching 90 minutes of a static image telling you to click the dodgy-ass link in the description, or if the movie's actually there, it's cropped stupidly to evade the anti-pirates or whatever.

As a result, I usually skip the trouble of checking YouTube. With my literally thousands of viewing options, the movie would have to be very special indeed for me to search YouTube for it. Or maybe I just found it by accident.

This week's Thursday Thriller is Abby.

Like the classic Richard Pryor bit, this 1974 William Girdler film dares to ask the question: what if The Exorcist had black people in it?

Well, for starters, the guy who played Blacula would be one of those black people. William Marshall plays Bishop Garnet Williams, a man of the cloth and scholar of ancient African religions. He leads two students on a pith-helmeted expedition to a cave in Nigeria and inadvertently unleashes the spirit of Eshu, a god of sex and chaos.

The spirit travels on the winds all the way to Louisville, KY, where it possesses Williams's daughter-in-law Abby (Carol Speed).

Abby is a good Christian girl, active in the church. She leads the choir, works in the kitchen and serves as a marriage counselor. She married the pastor, Rev. Emmett Williams (Terry Carter), who is the bishop's son if you haven't pieced that together already. When Eshu gets ahold of Abby, her marriage to Emmett suffers as she tells him his dick is too small and tries to seduce practically everybody.

Emmett pleads with Garnet to come home and help. They track Abby down in a bar where Garnet dresses up like Sun Ra and performs the exorcism.

Chock full of funky music and psychedelic smash cuts, Abby streams on YouTube.

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