Wednesday, April 19, 2017

"We can call it an 'atomic high,' then we can charge the kids more money for it."

It's April 20, and things are blazing in Hell, if you get my drift. Devil's lettuce? I'm having the salad. I don't care I got kicked out of Heaven. I'm high enough down below. I'm in the mood to watch something silly, disgusting and cheaply made, something with naked girls and heavy metal hoodlums. If one of the hoodlums could be a guy with breasts and another a girl with a Hitler moustache, that'd be just about perfect.

This week's Thursday Thriller is Class of Nuke 'Em High.

This 1986 horror/comedy by Richard W. Haines and Lloyd Kaufman takes place in Tromaville, the toxic chemical capital of the world. Tromaville High School abuts the nuclear power plant, which has routine maintenance problems. The honor society smoked the marijuana that grows on the plant's property and mutated into a gang of mutants called the Cretins, who start a business selling the irradiated weed at school.

Otherwise good kids Warren (Gil Brenton) and Chrissy (Janelle Brady) try a little of it at a party and wind up having sex for the first time. They both have crazy dreams that night about parts of their bodies swelling up and wriggling, black appendages poke out through their skin.

Chrissy winds up pregnant and barfs up a spiny slug in the slug in the girl's room at school, while Warren develops superhuman strength and burning skin. He kills two Cretins, provoking the wrath of the surviving gang members.

I don't want to give away too much of the story, but by the end the Cretins are riding around the halls of the school on motorcycles, and a really cool monster emerges from its basement.

Loaded up with corny humor and gross-out gags, Class of Nuke 'Em High is the perfect movie to celebrate 4/20. It streams on YouTube.

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