Wednesday, June 7, 2017

"In my dreams, I am the Wizard Master!"

Hiya! I'm having visitors from the Midwest Haunter's Convention at The Devil's Attic this week, so I'll have to make this entry quick. In fact, I'm writing this a day earlier than usual, so we'll just have to hope famous comedians and world leaders can go a whole day without doing something so asinine it requires my commentary. Let's get straight to the movie. 

This week's Thursday Thriller is A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors.

This 1987 Chuck Russell film is a return to form after iconic villain Freddy Krueger spent part two trying to get in a teenage boy's body. It seems there are still some kids whose parents were in the lynch mob that burned Krueger to death and he's got to get even. He does so, of course, by appearing in the kids' dreams and killing them.

One of them is Kristen (Patricia Arquette), whose mom finds her with slashed wrists after a dream about Freddy (Robert Englund). Kristen's mom commits her to a psych ward where a bunch of other kids have also been haunted by the dream demon. It's like a breakfast club of suicidal youth. As luck would have it, one of their counselors is fresh-from-grad-school Nancy (Heather Langenkamp) from the first movie. Together they learn Kristen has the ability to pull other people into her dreams and they all have special dream powers so they can team up and fight back.

What sets Dream Warriors apart from the earlier two films is that the kills are personalized. Freddy goes after the kids based on their fears and hobbies. You spend a little time getting to know the suicidal teens, and learn about their interests. They're into typical stuff, you know, Dungeons and Dragons, sex, heroin, marionette puppetry.

And though the cast has all the cumulative acting chops of an after-school special, the special effects are on point and the movie has some of the best kills of the series.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors streams on Hulu Plus.

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