Wednesday, August 29, 2018

"Welcome to this world. I am your master."

Greetings mortals, I trust everyone had a good time at the Louisville Zombie Walk. It certainly was nice to unleash all those zombies and free up some space down here. Now the real work can begin, whipping my most evil souls into shape to scare the hell out of you at The Devil's Attic.

This week's Thursday Thriller is Ghoulies.

This 1984 puppet show was directed by Charles Band. The mid-1980s were a special time for slimy puppets. Gremlins also came out in 1984. You had Critters in '86. When a half-alien slime puppet was born on V: The Final Battle, it was all kids could talk about in the playground the next day. Somewhere in there a toy called Boglins hit the department store shelves and mothers everywhere were all kinds of out of sorts.

But Ghoulies stood out because it made children afraid to go to the toilet.

Peter Liapis plays Jonathan, a young guy who never knew his father, but has inherited the spooky, old mansion and moves in with his girlfriend Rebecca (Lisa Pelikan). There's not much to do in the secluded estate except study dad's black magic books so Rebecca suggests they throw a party with their weird, high, horny friends from the city. As weird, high and horny as everyone is, somehow the party loses steam, Jonathan decides to liven things up by conjuring an entity.

Nothing really happens. Everybody goes home. Jonathan decides to practice until he conjures up three little slime puppet demons, but Rebecca thinks he's gotten too far involved in the black magic and leaves, so he summons some little people demons to get her back. By this point his eyes are glowing green, so they decide to have a dinner party where everyone wears novelty sunglasses, and the slime puppets and little people kill everybody.

It's an OK movie, fun if you need a fix of '80s nostalgia.

Ghoulies streams on Starz.

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