Thursday, October 22, 2015

"I will do whatever it takes for this role. "

Traditionally, I expect a ceremonial pentagram to be illuminated by candles, but this week's Thursday Thriller sets a precedent for glow sticks I can no longer ignore. The movie is called Starry Eyes and it's about an ambitious, young actress named Sarah (Alex Essoe) who  must decide how far she is willing to go to achieve her Hollywood dream.

You know, to fellate or not to fellate. That old saw.

Her day job is at Big Taters, one of those awesome, chauvinist restaurants that require its waitresses to wear skimpy uniforms.  She quits when she lands a series of successively creepier auditions that lead to the casting couch of the producer of Astreus Pictures.

But Sarah's not that kind of girl. She refuses the producer's advances, and goes back to Big Taters to beg for her job back. Her friends try to console her. A cool guy who lives in a van offers her a part in his movie, which won't mean any money, but at least they'll make a movie. She accepts the role, and they celebrate by dropping acid. During the pool party that follows, Sarah has a change of heart. Maybe performing a little penilingus to achieve your dreams isn't so bad. I mean, she already had to say, "I'm a Taters girl," just to go back to slinging curly fries. How much worse could it be? She calls Astreus and reschedules.

When she finally puts her mouth on it, he says, "The gateway is open, Sarah. Kill your old life, bury it in the earth, and join us in the skies."

(If anyone has ever said anything that crazy to you while you were doing them the Good Deed, I want to hear about it in the comment section.)

I don't know what was in the old fellow's old fellow, but after Sarah sucks it, she gets really sick and loses her serving job for good. She starts acting like a junkie. Her hair and nails start falling out. She asks her roommate if that's her menstrual blood she smells. She pukes live maggots. When she receives a taunting phone call from Astreus, she comes to the conclusion that a murder spree will put all this right.

I don't want to give any more away. You'll have to watch it yourself. Starry Eyes was made in 2014 by Kevin Kolsey and Dennis Widmyer. It's available on Netflix.

I hope it can tide you over for the live thrills and chills we have in store at The Devil's Attic. Only two weekends left. I'll see you soon.

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