Wednesday, September 7, 2016

"Make your face the last thing they see."

In an especially divisive election year, it's always heartwarming to find Americans of disparate political interests agreeing about something.

For example, being a feminist and an open-carry gun rights activist aren't mutually exclusive, but not many people fall in the center of that Venn diagram. Both groups have been expressing outrage over the recent release of rapist Brock Turner. The latter is having a lot more fun with it -- hanging around outside his house with their scariest guns and picket signs that ponder what their sentence would be if they drag him out and make him squeal like Ned Beatty

It just goes to show not all prisons have bars. In all my eternity as the Supreme Lord of the Underworld, I have not witnessed an empire ever so mighty as the United States of Fuck That Guy.

This week's Thursday Thriller is Final Girl

This 2015 action-thriller by director Tyler Shields is about a girl named Veronica (Abigail Breslin). When Veronica was about 6 years old a man named William (Wes Bentley) was impressed by her aptitude for maze puzzles and trained her to hunt serial killers because he's some kind of G-man or something and someone murdered his wife and child.

Twelve years later, William points Veronica toward her mark, four teenage boys in tuxedos. They are all poster children for affluenza. If you were scrolling through Facebook and saw any of their pictures you would immediately assume the accompanying article to be about how they got a light sentence for rape or intoxication manslaughter. They've been linked to the disappearance of at least a dozen girls, and it's up to Veronica alone to take them out. 

After meeting at the local greasy spoon, they drive Veronica out to the woods for a party, play a game of truth or dare, then break the news: they intend to kill her. They give her a sporting head start, Most Dangerous Game-style, and the hunt is afoot. 

What they don't know is that she has dosed them with DMT and sodium pentothal, so before long they're all tripping balls.

I can already hear some of you: "Hey Scratch, isn't some of that kind of similar to La Femme Nikita?" I wouldn't know. It's not on Netflix, and I'm not about to lose the hours to find out if the TV series is any good. Final Girl is on Netflix, and the third act is the best 20 minutes of action I've seen in over a month. 

Oh hey, by the way, The Devil's Attic opens next weekend. 

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