Wednesday, November 2, 2016

"When are you going to demand what you deserve?"

Well, Halloween's over, and what a blowout it was. I've had five straight nights of heavy haunting at The Devil's Attic, including something called Chaos Night that ended in an all-out brawl -- all my monsters set loose on one unlucky group of visitors. I could barely tell what was happening for all the smoke. Whips were cracking.  Chainsaws were revving. My minion Arshlok was riding around on his victim's back. So was The Jackal. I've been laughing so hard about it over the past few days I almost forgot to pick out a movie.

If you've been following me here since March, then you know I've been reviewing movies in chronological order of their release. I started the Thursday before people in the U.S. set their clocks forward with the first feature-length horror film, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, and wound my way through the ages up until last week's review of Holidays. On Sunday, it will be time for America to set its clocks back, and the Earth will rotate away from All Hallow's Eve, so my coverage of horror cinema will go backwards in time for the next six months. That means I had to find the newest watchable movie on Netflix.

It wasn't easy to find. Some real crap has come out in the last year.

This week's Thursday Thriller is Scherzo Diabolico.

This 2015 film by Spanish director Adrián García Bogliano is a twisty tale of greed, abduction and revenge. An accountant named Aram can't get a promotion no matter how much overtime he puts in at the office. His wife bitches at him for never being home and having no extra money to show for it. Finally, Aram decides to stand up for himself by kidnapping his boss's daughter. 

He plans and prepares meticulously. He practices his sleeper hold on his dad. He gets tying-people-up lessons from a prostitute. He even practices a few abduction techniques on his son. It nearly goes off without a hitch, but when he throws the girl in the trunk of his car, his iPod falls in while playing his favorite classical piano piece. 

Eventually, the girl goes free and the real fun starts when her father plays the same track and triggers in her a psychotic episode. After that she sets her mind to fucking up Aram's life. 

I liked this movie, but as I say, had a little trouble focusing because I'm still laughing at all the punishments I've inflicted on mortals over the last week at the Devil's Attic. For those who didn't get to come see me, there's always next year. Until then, you can follow me here for hot movie picks every week.

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