Wednesday, December 26, 2018

"Guys, 911 isn't supposed to have an answering machine."

Rejoice, mortals, for I bring glad tidings. Christmas is finally over. I hope each and every one of you found the holiday was worth the torture you put yourselves through. You're almost out of the woods with this holiday garbage and the last one just involves getting hammered and waking up in a new year.

So let's ring in 2019 with a movie you're not going to remember anyway.

This week's Thursday Thriller is Antisocial.

Cody Calahan directed this highly forgettable film from 2013. It's one of a handful of horror films set on New Year's Eve. Five friends gather in a house for a party while subliminal messages designed to make social media more addictive mutate into a virus that infects people all over the world and gives them black, worm-like tumors in their brains. The tumors turn people into raging, homicidal maniacs. The only treatment is to drill into the skull and extract the tumor, which the last surviving characters learn how to do, obviously, by means of a DIY video on the internet.

Sounds great, but this one just didn't grab me. I can't put my finger on why. Maybe it's because you don't actually see very many raging, homicidal maniacs. Maybe it takes too long to get to the drilling. Maybe it's because there's something dodgy going on with the sound mix so you have to crank the volume to make the cast barely audible.

Who's in it? Who cares? I was busy checking my social media.

Antisocial streams on Amazon Prime.

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