Wednesday, October 25, 2017

"Eat a bowl of fuck! I am here to party!"

It's the last Thursday before Halloween, and I have saved a special movie for you, mortals.

This week's Thursday Thrillers is Night of the Demons.

Kevin S. Tenney directed this 1988 horror/comedy.  It's about a bunch of teenagers who break into an abandoned house that is reputedly possessed so they can throw a Halloween party.

Angela (Amelia Kinkade), the school witch, organized the party with the intention of scaring the more popular crowd. Her friend Suzanne (Linnea Quigley) helps her prepare for the party by bending over in front of the convenience store clerks while Angela shoplifts some supplies. Suzanne wants to meet cute boys so she bends over a lot in this movie.

At the possessed house, when the batteries in the radio go dead, the kids decide to throw a past life seance. They all gather around a dusty old mirror until it goes black, but instead of seeing who Angela was in a past life, Helen (Allison Barron) sees her own dead body in the mirror, then a demon. She screams, the mirror crashes and strange noises start coming from the basement. Then you get some POV Evil Dead-style camera work as the demon runs upstairs and possesses Suzanne.

She decides she wants to take Stooge (Hal Havins) somewhere else in the house, but makes out with Angela a bit before they depart the living room. Here's a warning for you: demonic possession is communicable via saliva or by bites. It works a lot like zombieism.

Pretty soon, the teen revelers are all paired off for sex or to find an escape while the possession spreads among their ranks. Suzanne pushes a lipstick tube into her nipple and gouges out a cute boy's eyes, Italian style. Before it's over people are maimed and mangled and on fire. It's a big gory mess.

Night of the Demons is like a mix of Evil Dead and Night of the Living Dead topped liberally with freshly grated Italian cheese. There aren't many new ideas in play as tropes abound. But somehow it's simultaneously greater than and less than everything it rips off.

It's a great party movie for Halloween. Night of the Demons streams on YouTube.

With Halloween rapidly approaching, this is your last weekend to check out the Devil's Attic. Tell the guy at the ticket booth to "Eat a bowl of fuck" and get $2 off admission. The Devil's Attic is located at 647 W. Hill St., Louisville, KY.

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