Wednesday, November 1, 2017

"Listen to them. The children of the night, what music they make."

Well mortals, another Halloween has come and gone, and you're now one All Saints Day closer to the grave. I don't know about you, but my ears are still ringing with the screams of Louisville's haunted house fans after unleashing hellish fury at The Devil's Attic for the past month and a half.

My head is pounding. I need something quiet to watch.

This week's Thursday Thrillers is Dracula.

Tod Browning directed this iconic 1931 film based on the novel by Bram Stoker, but if you try to base your book report on it, you will flunk. Bela Lugosi stars in the title role, but keep your eye on Dwight Frye as Renfield, a legal apprentice enslaved by Dracula to assist in moving the vampire from Transylvania to England, where he intends to establish new hunting grounds. Seems the Transylvania locals have caught wise about the mysterious goings-on at the Borgo Pass, and they tell everyone, even Renfield, to steer clear. Renfield doesn't listen, and he spends the rest of the movie alternating between lucidity and madness.

Dracula is a good movie for your Halloween hangover. It's quiet and familiar enough that if you doze off, which is my plan, it's no big deal. Dracula streams on Shudder.

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